Agenda item

Homelessness Strategy 2018-2022


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Cabinet approval for public consultation on the draft Homelessness Strategy attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


Part 2 of The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 places a duty on the Authority to carry out a Homelessness Review for its area and then formulate and adopt a Homelessness Strategy.


He explained that the Homelessness Review has provided the necessary information to draft the proposed Strategy for the period 2018-2022 as per Welsh Government Guidance. The key messages arising from the review were shown in paragraph 3.3 of the report.


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services referred Members to the draft Strategy, which he added had been developed to respond to the findings of the review. This had been submitted to Welsh Government on the basis that it is subject to public consultation (and final approval by Cabinet).


He added that the review identified a number of areas to be developed further, though one of the messages was to reinforce that homelessness is a complex, cross cutting issue, that not only requires a corporate approach but also one of a partnership nature. It was intended to develop an Action Plan in order to support the Strategy.


Following the consultation process, it was envisaged that a final Strategy would be presented to Cabinet for approval in April 2019.


The Cabinet Member – Wellbeing and Future Generations advised that a considerable number of key stakeholders had been involved in the development of the draft Strategy which had been co-produced therefore was in line with the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.


The Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help felt that some of the statistical information in the draft Strategy made for sad reading. He added that he hoped that all partners would work effectively together so as to reduce the problem of homelessness, including Private Landlords and Registered Social Landlords.


The Cabinet Member – Communities felt that the category of vulnerable groups and individuals who may be susceptible to finding themselves homeless should be added to, to include ‘veterans.’


The Head of Performance and Partnership Services confirmed that the Strategy could be adjusted to accommodate this group.


The Leader felt that it was interesting to note that the second biggest reason for people becoming homeless, was due to parents either not being able to or not wishing to accommodate young adults in the age 16 to 18 category. He further added that it was important that there was enough floor space/beds in arranged accommodation for the number of people who were homeless in the County Borough who wished to have a roof over their head, and in turn, then being able to access some key support services they may be in need of.


The Deputy Leader felt that the consultation process should be extended to as wider audience as was possible, as homelessness was a major problem that urgently needed addressing with a view to improving the current situation. He added that Cabinet Members should be invited to attend any arranged consultation groups.


The Leader concluded debate on this very important topic by concurring with the Deputy Leaders comments, adding that he had asked the Youth Council to participate in the consultation, and he was also pleased back bench Members will help influence the strategy through the overview and scrutiny process as the strategy was on the work programme.


RESOLVED:                             That Cabinet approved a period of public consultation on the draft Homelessness Strategy and noted that following the consultation, a final Strategy would be presented to Cabinet for approval and adoption, prior to formal submission to Welsh Government.   

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