Agenda item

Local Area Energy Strategy and Smart Energy Plan


The Head of Operations – Community Services submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to present to and seek approval from Cabinet for the Bridgend Local Area Energy Strategy (LAES) and Smart Energy Plan.


He outlined some background information which set the scene for Members and advised that BCBC was one of 3 demonstrator local authorities in the UK selected for the Smart System Heat (SSH) programme.


The programme was divided into three phases as illustrated in paragraphs 3.4 to 3.6 of the report.


The Head of Operations – Community Services confirmed that the development of a Local Area Energy Strategy was a cornerstone of the SSH programme, and that the LAES and Smart Energy Plan offered a route to achieving the decarbonisation of heat within the BCB.


He then gave some further and technical information with regard to the above Strategy and Plan, and paragraph 4.8 of the report gave some benefits that the Smart Energy Plan would deliver. Paragraph 4.9 outlined certain projects that were considered deliverable within the Smart Energy Plan.


He concluded his submission by adding that BCBC would not in the main be funding the Strategy/Plan, referring Members to the report’s financial implications which outlined further information with regard to funding avenues.


The Cabinet Member – Communities advised that the Local Area Energy Strategy contained BCBC’s vision and long term goals for the long term future (2050), whilst the Smart Energy Plan contained the same, albeit for a shorter period (up to 2025).


These would enable the Authority to:-


·       Decarbonise heat within the Bridgend County Borough

·       Provide new job opportunities

·       Attract new and existing businesses to trial initiatives within the County Borough


It was not realistic to expect Bridgend to fund and deliver all these projects.


The intention was, in respect of both Strategies, for the public and private sector to invest and create the tools, models and supply chains that can be replicated across the UK, to ensure that the UK 2050 decarbonisation targets can be met and that Bridgend can realise the economic benefits accrued from the transition within the UK energy market.


So BCBC will not fund and deliver the Smart Energy Plan, but will rather adopt the role of enabler providing the places and conditions within Bridgend County Borough that will attract private sector partners and the investment required to deliver the Smart Energy Plan.


This would result in Bridgend becoming a major force in redesigning the way that energy is produced and delivered in the future, putting the consumer at the heart of the design.


Finally, he advised that last Wednesday Bridgend County Borough hosted a conference jointly with the Energy Systems Catapult. This body set up by the Westminster Government to drive energy change forward confirmed on the day, that Bridgend was now regarded by them as a sector leader in the field and also confirmed that we are a preferred partner.


RESOLVED:                      That Cabinet:-


1)          Accepted the recommendations of the Local Area Energy Strategy.

2)          Approved the Smart Energy Plan. 


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