Agenda item

Invitation of Tenders for Home to School Transport Bus Service Contracts


The Group Manager (Business Strategy and Performance) sought approval to undertake a procurement exercise to invite tenders to bid for contracts for multiple home-to-school bus services for a term of 5 years with the option to extend by 2 further periods of 1 year, with the indicative total value for the full term being £17.9m.


The Group Manager (Business Strategy and Performance) reported that the current large bus contracts for home-to-school transport will expire in July 2019.  He stated that in order to ensure the local authority is meeting its responsibilities under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Council's Contract Procedure Rules and to seek value for money, consent was sought to initiate a new procurement exercise to compete and award large bus contracts.  This will comprise 79 separate routes utilising an open competition method, conducted by the Corporate Procurement Team.  He stated that awarding contracts for a term of 5 years with the option to extend for a further two periods of one year was aimed at encouraging investment, strengthen existing contractual arrangements and potentially open up the market to new suppliers.  He informed Cabinet that under the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules, any decision to procure services with an estimated value exceeding £5m is a Cabinet function.


The Deputy Leader requested clarification at which stage the Council is in relation to the review of school transport and also the ability to terminate a contract.  The Group Manager (Business Strategy and Performance) informed Cabinet that the Council is able to withdraw a school contract giving 1 months’ notice, if the route subsequently a safe route to school and learners become ineligible to receive school transport.  He stated that the strategic review of school transport had been delayed due to Band B of the School Modernisation Programme and potentially some existing routes could be withdrawn.  He also informed Cabinet that it was difficult to bundle school routes as schools have different start and finish times, although officers would do so when smaller vehicles were used. 


The Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations questioned whether the strategic review of school transport would look at the feasibility of using the Council’s fleet of vehicles for home to school transport.  The Group Manager (Business Strategy and Performance) commented that Social Services has a requirement to use the fleet of vehicles throughout the day, although some schools do use the Council’s fleet.  He also informed Cabinet that there is potential to use double decker vehicles which would be looked at on a case by case basis, however many operators do not possess those vehicles.  It may be more economical to use double decker buses.  He also informed Cabinet that communication will take place with current contractors.  The Leader asked that the potential providers of school transport are informed of the review and the possibility of changes to the contract as a result.     


RESOLVED:           That Cabinet:


·     authorised the invitation of tenders as set out in the report

·     noted that a review of school transport is taking place and requested that officers communicate this with potential providers of school transport to ensure transparency

·     authorised the acceptance of the most economically advantageous tenders received and the award of contracts to the successful bidders following the procurement process.                              


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