Agenda item

Pencoed Recreation Ground Pavilion


The Chief Executive presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Cabinet approval to allocate funds from the £1 million capital fund established to support community asset transfers, so that essential repairs can be undertaken upon the Pavilion at the Pencoed Recreation Ground prior to a lease being granted to Pencoed Town Council.


The report gave the history of the building and the Chief Executive confirmed that it was well used by service users, with regular hirers of this facility being Pencoed Rugby Football Club, Pencoed Athletic Football Club, the Pavilion Playgroup, Mid Glamorgan Dolls House and Miniaturist Group and Halo Leisure.


The Chief Executive then referred to paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 of the report, where it confirmed that the Pavilion had initially badly damaged due to a storm when the changing rooms then had to be closed to sports users, with the remaining rooms at the facility remaining in use. Subsequently however, upon further inspection, the whole of the building was closed, on health and safety grounds.


A Condition Survey was then carried out on the Pavilion and this identified, that over the next 10 years £260k needed to be spent on the building, of which £196k needed to be spent in the first 5 years, of which 115k needed to be spent in the first 2 years. Appendix B illustrated the type of works that needed to be carried out to this structure.


The Chief Executive confirmed that the Council had previously set aside capital funding of around £1m some 5 years ago for works to Parks and Pavilions for the purpose of Community Asset Transfer (CAT), and he explained that since then the scope for this funding had been expanded under the Council’s MTFS, including to a wider range of community facilities. However, only 2 projects to date had been allocated funding from this source.


The next section of the report confirmed that Pencoed Town Council has submitted an expression for the Community Asset Transfer of the Pavilion, in order for the building to be re-opened under a lease arrangement with the ability to extend this lease. Information regarding the works required to the building and other terms, including those of both a financial and maintenance nature were outlined in paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 of the report.


The Chief Executive concluded his submission, by giving Members a resume of the report’s financial implications.


The Cabinet Member – Communities confirmed this was a good news story.


 BCBC due to savings it was required to find under its Medium Term Financial Strategy, could not continue to provide the level of services it used to including for the maintenance of Sports Pavilions and Community Centres, etc. He added that it was important to keep this facility open for a number of very justifiable reasons, including the fact that Pencoed RFC had a number of teams playing on the fields the Pavilion served, ranging from age 7 up to senior level. The continued use of the Pavilion would support the well-being of future generations, he added. 


The above comments were echoed in turn by the Leader and Deputy Leader, with the Leader adding his thanks to Pencoed Town Council for their support in the re-opening of the Pavilion.


RESOLVED:                              That Cabinet approved that the Council will be responsible for all essential repairs required upon the Pencoed Recreation Ground Pavilion to ensure that the building can be handed over to Pencoed Town Council in a compliant condition to enable a lease to be granted under the community asset transfer programme.  It is proposed that building works will be funded as follows:-





Funding Source


Town & Community Council Capital Grant Scheme 2019/20 (approved by Cabinet on 16 April 2019)


Financial contribution from Pencoed Town Council


Balance of funding CAT Fund



Supporting documents: