Agenda item

Flower Court Facilities


At the request of the Chairperson, the Joint Committee agreed to consider this item prior to the item on the Annual Accounting Statement 2018-19.


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar presented a report which updated the Joint Committee on the provision of an extension to the flower court facility at Coychurch Crematorium and sought approval for the design.


She provided background on the Crematorium to the Joint Committee and stated that as the building was Grade 2 listed, careful consideration should be given to any proposed alterations. She also provided further background to the Flower Court Facilities which was detailed at section 3 of the report.


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar advised Members of the current situation as outlined in section 4 of the report. She advised Members that the architect, Mr Jonathan Adams was in attendance today to present his design to the Joint Committee for approval.


Mr Adams took Members through the presentation. He showed picture of the Crematorium when it first opened and pointed out the flower courts (dispersal cloister). He explained that the current design was outdated and no longer suitable for the majority of services.


Mr Adams explained that the original columns that were in place are 15x15 feet apart which they were looking to continue across the garden and showed Members Computer Generated designs of what it would look like.


Mr Adams explained the materials that would be used for the construction of the walls, flooring and arch construction. This was further detailed in the presentation.


Mr Adams showed Members an Architectural Animation, which was a short video displaying what the completed construction would look like.


A Member asked what was the lifespan expected for the materials used and what maintenance was involved.


Mr Adams explained that the type of wood that would be used had a very long life span. It would be expected to last a minimum of 25 years under extreme weather but would normally last 50 years.


A Member asked if cleaning would deteriorate any of the materials


Mr Adams explained that, as with weather conditions, regular cleaning would not affect the materials in any way.


A Member asked if there would be any uplift on the roof from the wind


Mr Adams explained that this was factored in with the design so they did not expect this to be an issue.


The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar advised Members that professionals would be involved at every stage to ensure that all aspects of the design and development are thoroughly thought out.


A Member asked about what timescales they are working towards and when they hoped to complete the construction.


Mr Adams explained that there are some time consuming tasks to go through before construction can begin but they aimed to finish construction by the end of 2020.


RESOLVED: That the Joint Committee ;


(1)  approved the proposed design of the extension to the Flower Court Facility

authorised the technical officer to seek planning permission and invite tenders in respect of the works to be undertaken subject to the finer details in the final report bought to committee within the financial year 2019/20


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