Agenda item

To Receive the Following Question for the Executive


Question from Councillor R C Jones to the Cabinet Member - Children and Young People



“Recent studies have shown that in some schools in Wales, negative body image issues are holding back children, particularly girls, from taking part in sports. For many girls there is a vicious circle in the relationship between body image and physical activity, and this lack of confidence can create a barrier to participation. Does BCBC recognise the importance of educating youngsters about healthy body image? What steps are being taken to make sure teenagers are not subject to intimidation or humiliation when taking part in school sports? What are BCBC doing to encourage girls to participate fully in school sports?”  


Response from the Cabinet Member - Children and Young People to Councillor R C Jones


Bridgend County Borough Council firmly recognises the need for children and young people to be physically active and that issues such as body image and self-esteem have an influence on their engagement.  We have been consulting with young people for several years and this has highlighted the lower participation rates of girls and the barriers they identify.


Our ‘girl power’ development programme is supported by Sport Wales and Bridgend now has a County ‘Girls Sport Network’ run by girls and for girls.  Additionally Bridgend CBC has supported the development of local networks in secondary schools that now influence the design and promotion of activities and have even influenced changes to PE kit to minimise embarrassment.


Bridgend CBC has commissioned body image workshops and has also trained 12 girls and 8 teachers to act as mentors on improving confidence and self-esteem.


Girls are highly represented within the sports leadership programme operated by Bridgend CBC with 63% of leaders being female.  During July, a two day event designed specifically for girls and enhancing body image and self-esteem attracted 500 girls from 7 secondary schools. The Bridgend County Sport Plan has £23,000 committed to increasing opportunities during 2014/15 and will establish 6 girls led social enterprises, 25 new leaders and over 600 programme participants.  We have also secured investment (4000) from ‘Us Girls’ to develop doorstep opportunities to be active for girls.


The National School Sports survey highlights that there remains more to be done in regard making PE and school sport a more comfortable experience that contributes to a healthy lifestyle.  This is particularly true at secondary school age and is representative of the national picture.  Increasing the choice of activities and recognising the importance of friendship groups are important considerations. 


  The Cabinet Member - Children and Young People also informed the Council that the County Youth Service provide a range of sport to tackle the issue of negative body image not just with girls but with boys as well.  An excellent counselling service is delivered where girls and boys can receive support and informal sessions are also delivered through out-reach and in youth clubs to enable young people to discuss issues around body image.  The Youth Service also encourages participation in sports and active life styles. 


               The Cabinet Member - Children and Young People also informed Council that many schools actively encourage girls to take part in PE by offering facilities that


will attract female pupils, for example Porthcawl Comprehensive where they hold female only gym sessions, whereby the girls are allowed to wear long tracksuit bottoms and the windows had been screened to offer privacy.




All schools deliver personal and social education (PSE) and followed the PSE framework for 7 - 19 year olds in Wales.  There are five themes and the health and emotional wellbeing theme relates to active lifestyles and will cover body image issues.


Councillor Jones thanked the Cabinet Member - Children and Young People for the detailed response and requested that Members be kept informed of latest developments which encourage girls to participate in sports and active life styles.