Committee attendance

Cabinet Committee Equalities, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Paula Ford 0
Councillor Rhys Goode 1
Councillor Maxine Lewis 0
Councillor Johanna Llewellyn-Hopkins 1
Councillor Della Hughes 1
Councillor Neelo Farr 1
Councillor Melanie Jayne Evans 0
Councillor Alan Wathan 0
Councillor Elaine Winstanley 1
Councillor Anthony Berrow 0
Councillor Jon-Paul Blundell 1
Councillor Amanda Williams 1
Councillor Jane Gebbie 1
Councillor John Spanswick 0
Councillor Ross Penhale-Thomas 1
Councillor Hywel Williams 0
Councillor Huw David 1
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Rhys Goode 1
Councillor Simon Griffiths 2
Councillor Freya Bletsoe 2
Councillor Martin Hughes 2
Councillor Neelo Farr 0
Councillor Graham Walter 2
Councillor Dhanisha Patel 1
Councillor Stuart Baldwin 1
Councillor Rod Shaw 0
Councillor Matthew Voisey 0
Councillor Kay Rowlands 0
Councillor Alex Ulberini-Williams 3
Councillor Paul Davies 2
Councillor Gareth Howells 0
Councillor Jon-Paul Blundell 2
Councillor Amanda Williams 3
Councillor Martyn Jones 3
Councillor Richard Granville 2
Councillor Tim Thomas 2
Councillor Nicole Burnett 0
Councillor Jane Gebbie 2
Councillor Charles Smith 1
Councillor John Spanswick 2
Councillor Heidi Bennett 2
Councillor Ross Penhale-Thomas 3
Councillor Hywel Williams 2
Councillor Huw David 0
Council, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jefferson Tildesley MBE 1
Councillor Chris Davies 3
Councillor Paula Ford 2
Councillor Rhys Goode 2
Councillor Maxine Lewis 3
Councillor Johanna Llewellyn-Hopkins 3
Councillor Jonathan Edward Pratt 3
Councillor Ellie Richards 3
Councillor Simon Griffiths 3
Councillor Rob Smith 3
Councillor Ian Spiller 2
Councillor Eugene Caparros 3
Councillor Freya Bletsoe 3
Councillor Heather Griffiths 3
Councillor Steven Bletsoe 3
Councillor Mark John 3
Councillor Martin Hughes 3
Councillor Della Hughes 3
Councillor Philip Jenkins 2
Councillor William Kendall 3
Councillor David Harrison 3
Councillor Neelo Farr 3
Councillor Graham Walter 3
Councillor Ian Williams 3
Councillor Melanie Jayne Evans 3
Councillor Timothy Wood 3
Councillor Colin Davies 3
Councillor Alan Wathan 3
Councillor Martin Williams 3
Councillor Elaine Winstanley 3
Councillor Richard Williams 3
Councillor Anthony Berrow 2
Councillor Sean Aspey 4
Councillor David Lewis 1
Councillor Norah Clarke 3
Councillor Janice Lewis 1
Councillor Pam Davies 0
Councillor John McCarthy 1
Councillor Keith Edwards 1
Councillor Dhanisha Patel 1
Councillor Cheryl Green 1
Councillor Malcolm James 4
Councillor Stuart Baldwin 1
Councillor Brian Jones 1
Councillor James Radcliffe 1
Councillor Sorrel Dendy 1
Councillor Rod Shaw 1
Councillor Altaf Hussain 1
Councillor Tom Giffard 0
Councillor Matthew Voisey 1
Councillor Aniel Pucella 1
Councillor Kay Rowlands 0
Councillor Lyn Walters 1
Councillor Alex Ulberini-Williams 4
Councillor Paul Davies 4
Councillor Gareth Howells 1
Councillor Jon-Paul Blundell 4
Councillor Amanda Williams 4
Councillor Martyn Jones 4
Councillor Richard Granville 4
Councillor Bridie Sedgebeer 1
Councillor Julia Williams 1
Councillor Sadie Vidal 0
Councillor Roz Stirman 1
Councillor Tom Beedle 1
Councillor Tim Thomas 4
Councillor Richard Collins 4
Councillor Mike Clarke 1
Councillor Nicole Burnett 1
Councillor Jane Gebbie 4
Councillor Mike Kearn 4
Councillor Stephen Smith 1
Councillor Carolyn Webster 0
Councillor Charles Smith 1
Councillor John Spanswick 4
Councillor Heidi Bennett 3
Councillor Gary Thomas 1
Councillor Ross Penhale-Thomas 4
Councillor Elaine Venables 1
Councillor Ken Watts 1
Councillor David White 1
Councillor Hywel Williams 3
Councillor Mary Hughes 1
Councillor Huw David 4
Councillor Richard Young 1
Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Paula Ford 1
Councillor Maxine Lewis 1
Councillor Johanna Llewellyn-Hopkins 0
Councillor Eugene Caparros 1
Councillor Freya Bletsoe 1
Councillor Della Hughes 1
Councillor Alan Wathan 1
Councillor Richard Williams 1
Councillor Sean Aspey 1
Councillor Paul Davies 1
Councillor Amanda Williams 1
Councillor Ross Penhale-Thomas 1