The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report seeking approval from Cabinet for the appointment of local authority governors to the school governing bodies listed at paragraphs 4.1 and
4.2 of the report. He explained that for the 15 current local authority governor vacancies at the 13 schools in the table, all applicants met the approved criteria for appointment as a local authority governor and there was no competition for these vacancies. He explained that there was competition for one vacancy and that the panel had noted that Cllr Neelo Farr had recently become an elected member for part of the school’s catchment area since submission of the application form. Therefore, in accordance with the criteria identified in the Council’s ‘Guidance on the appointment of local education authority governors’, the recommended appointment was Cllr Neelo Farr.
The Cabinet member for Education thanked the officer for the report and all the people who had put their names forward to be a school governor. There were still many vacancies and this was a call for volunteers to apply for these very important roles.
RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the appointments detailed at paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of the report.