RESOLVED: (1) That the appeals received since the last meeting of the Committee as shown in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities be noted.
(2) That the Inspector appointed by Welsh Ministers to determine the following appeals, has directed they be dismissed:-
Appeal No. - CAS-02086-N7G7S9 (1942)
Subject of Appeal – Two Storey Extension to side of Dwelling and Single Storey Extension to Rear of Dwelling, 8 Priory Road, Bridgend.
Appeal No. - CAS-02006-Q7B8M6 (1953)
Subject of Appeal - Freestanding Hoarding Sign (48 Sheet) 6m X 3m Land Opposite 65 Bethania Street, (South of Scout Hall), Maesteg.
Appeal No. CAS-02071-B9C1R9 (1960)
Subject of Appeal - Removal of Existing Roof; Rotation of Roof Pitch; Increase of Roof Pitch; Two New Pitched Roof Dormers too Front; Flat Roof Dormer Extension too Rear, 15 Anglesey Way, Porthcawl
(3) That the Inspector appointed by Welsh Ministers to determine the following appeal, has directed it be Allowed subject to Conditions:-
Appeal No. CAS-01997-N2P6M0 (1955)
Subject of Appeal - Construct Garden Room to Rear Garden, 16 Shelley Drive Bridgend
(4) The Inspector appointed by Welsh Ministers to determine the following appeal, has directed the following decision:-
**The appeal is dismissed insofar as it relates to the alteration to the front dormer and provision of a balcony.
**The appeal is allowed insofar as it relates to the removal of the rear extension and construction of a single-storey rear extension with balcony
Appeal No. CAS-02083-H6T1M9 (1963)
Subject of Appeal - Remove rear Extension; Construct Single Storey
Rear Extension with Balcony over; Alteration to Front Dormer and Provision of Balcony, 7 Gordon Road Porthcawl
(5) The following appeal was Refused for the reason contained in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities:-
Appeal No. CAS-02190-V5X2C2 (1972)
Subject of Appeal - Construction of a Roof Top Extension
11 Rest Bay Close, Porthcawl
Note: Since this appeal was submitted, PEDW advised:
As the above appeal was not received within 12 weeks of the date of the refusal, the appeal has been found to be invalid and PEDW cannot take any further action on the appeal.