Issue - decisions

Forward Work Programme 2023-2024

19/05/2023 - Forward Work Programme 2023-2024

The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager gave a report, seeking Cabinet Committee Equalities (CCE) approval for a proposed Forward Work Programme for 2023–2024.


The Forward Work Programme was outlined annually in March, setting out a proposal for the Committee’s key equality issues to be considered within the next financial year.  The proposed Forward Work Programme was attached at Appendix 1 of the report.


The Chairperson felt that Trans Lives in the County Borough should be considered as a future agenda item. He also felt that more work was required in respect of looking to establish Working Groups for certain individuals within the County Borough.


Officers stated that this would be considered as part of the wider Programme.


RESOLVED:              That Cabinet Committee Equalities approved the proposed Forward Work Programme 2023-24.