Issue - decisions

Corporate Risk Management Policy

16/05/2023 - Corporate Risk Management Policy

The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented a report which sought Cabinet approval for the updated Corporate Risk Management Policy.


She explained that the updated policy at Appendix A of the report identified the risk appetite, or degree of risk that the Council was prepared to tolerate across the broad range of its activities.


She advised that there were no significant changes to the Risk Management Policy, but the policy had been updated to reflect the introduction of a risk management software program which would be implemented in quarter 2 of the 2023-24 financial year.


The Cabinet Member Resources welcomed the report and the transparency that it provides. He added that the policy enabled Members to understand the Council’s risk management process and the new software would provide some useful data to contribute to risk management.


The Deputy Leader asked how is the regional risk register incorporated into this policy. The Chief Officer explained that when the corporate risk assessment is updated, Officers ensure that that the key issues in their service area were reflected into the corporate risk assessment and this would include the issues that were raised on a regional level. She provided assurance that regional risks would be reflected in the Corporate Risk Assessment if they affect BCBC.


The Leader added that this was important given the increased importance of the role of regional partnership arrangements. He asked with regards to the timeline if we  were on track. The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change confirmed that we were on track and that the Corporate Risk Assessment was due to be received at the Governance & Audit Committee in June. The Committee will look at up to two risks in depth and the relevant Chief Office will outline the risk and the mitigating action to tackle that risk.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet approved the updated Corporate Risk Management Policy.