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Decisions published

17/01/2023 - Capital Programme Update - Quarter 3 Report 2022-23 ref: 605    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/01/2023

Effective from: 17/01/2023


The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change provided an update with regard to the capital position at the end of quarter three. By way of background, she explained that the Council's capital strategy was approved by Council on the 23rd of February 2022 and at that time the approved capital budget totalled £69.9 million.


The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change outlined the current position on the program. The revised programme for 2022-23 currently totalled £61.732 million, of which £28.242 million was met from

Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) resources, including capital receipts and revenue contributions from earmarked reserves, with the remaining £33.490 million coming from external resources, including Welsh Government General Capital Grant. A breakdown of the program across services was shown in table one and more detail regarding how they were actually funding that program was included in Table 2.


The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change highlighted the slippage of some schemes which were likely to slip into the new financial year. At quarter 3 the total requested slippage was £28.542 million, the reasons for this were detailed in the report.


The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change explained that since the last capital report approved by Council in October 2022, there had

been a number of new externally funded schemes approved and proposed

internally funded schemes, which had been incorporated into the Capital

Programme and were detailed in the report. A revised Capital Programme was included at Appendix B to the report. With regard to the Capital Strategy, Appendix C to the report showed that the Council was operating in line with the approved limits.


The Cabinet Member for Resources thanked the Chief Officer for the report and added that slippage was not desirable but the reasons given were acceptable. He asked the officers to look at reprofiling the schemes before presenting the latest position to full Council in March. With regard to the new external funding schemes that had come forward, in particular the Urban Centre Property Enhancement Scheme, he requested that a report be submitted to Cabinet on why this scheme had been successful for the authority.


The Corporate Director Communities provided further information regarding the Welsh Government Transforming Towns Fund and included details of two of the larger schemes. A detailed report would be submitted to Cabinet in Spring. The fund would be reopening at that time and she explained that officers were available to advise businesses how they could apply.    


The Leader agreed with the comments made by the Cabinet Member for Resources regarding the potential to reprofile some of the schemes, in particular the Waterton Depot. The Corporate Director Communities provided more information on why the site was no longer viable and efforts made to secure a new venue.   


In light of the recent call-in, the Deputy Leader referred to the additional £0.608 million awarded from Welsh Government’s Housing with Care Fund for the Children’s Residential Hub. This would enable net zero carbon and landscaping works to be completed, which were not included in the original scheme. There were issues with procurement around costs and she provided the example of Enterprise Hubs where tender costs were returned in the region of 250% over budget.  


The Cabinet Member for Communities explained that there would be a capital demand for the Waterton Depot and further reports would be submitted in due course. He added that there were pots of money for various net zero schemes and that the Council had been awarded £0.300 million funding from the Welsh Government’s ULEV Transformation Fund to support the delivery of electric vehicle charging infrastructure within the Council’s public car parks.


The Leader asked if a list was available of where the additional charging points would be installed. The Corporate Director Communities replied that a strategy was in place to transfer the Corporate fleet to electric and to install charging points for this and the public and she explained how the charging infrastructure would be delivered.


RESOLVED:              Cabinet:

·      noted the Council’s Capital Programme 2022-23 Quarter 3 update to 31 December 2022

                                       (Appendix A)

·      agreed that the revised Capital Programme (Appendix B) be submitted to Council for approval

noted the projected Prudential and Other Indicators for 2022-23 (Appendix C)

17/01/2023 - Approval of Minutes ref: 616    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/01/2023

Effective from: 17/01/2023


RESOLVED:           That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 13 December 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record.

12/01/2023 - Update On Corporate Parenting Development ref: 600    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Made at meeting: 12/01/2023 - Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Decision published: 12/01/2023

Effective from: 12/01/2023


The Corporate Parenting Participation Officer stated that purpose of the report was to provide the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting with an update on the development of Corporate Parenting in Bridgend.


He introduced and went through the report. He stated they were inviting professions to make a “Promise” on what they had the ability to change and bring into the Strategic Plan. He stated that the details regarding this, could be brought to the next meeting.


He mentioned two groups that would make up the Youth Forum and sought approval for draft terms of reference.


The Leader queried the engagement from partners.


The Deputy Leader responded stating that the partners did not have an understanding before but were fully engaged now. This was reinforced by the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations, by stating that it was important for all Councillors to involve themselves as much as their individual schedules permitted and queried from the Corporate Parenting Participation Officer about plans to promote engagement so that Council colleagues could see the wonderful work done by the team and the foster parents for the children cared for by the borough.


This was agreed by the Corporate Parenting Participation Officer who stated that the response from partners was a positive one. He also stated that the aims and objectives of the sub-groups were focussed on providing a voice of a child by way of training, promotions and championing their roles and responsibilities. He mentioned having written to professionals and Councillors with a view to promoting this.


RESOLVED:                         (1) That the  Committee supported the progress of the Corporate Parenting Development.


  (2) That the Committee approved the Bridgend Corporate Parenting Board Terms of Reference.

12/01/2023 - Update on the Care Inspectorate Wales Inspection of Bridgend County Borough Council's Children's Residential Homes in 2022 ref: 599    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Made at meeting: 12/01/2023 - Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Decision published: 12/01/2023

Effective from: 12/01/2023


The Corporate Director for Social Services and Wellbeing introduced the report and invited the Head of Childrens Social Care to present the findings of the Inspection.


She went through the outcomes of the inspections conducted on :


· Maple Tree House on 28 June 2022

· Sunny Bank on 04 August 2022

· Harwood House on 13 September 2022

· Bakers Way on 29 September 2022


The Head of Childrens Social Care stated that the staff were committed to providing  first class care prior to the findings shared with the Inspectorate. She mentioned the difficulties in recruitment and retention of staff and stated that the operation of Maple Tree House will not resume until all the recommendations from the Inspection had been implemented.


A Member queried the plans for staffing in all the various settings and she mentioned concerns that the closure was due to staffing and recurrence of issues related to staffing. She also voiced concerns about the possible ongoing of the wellbeing of the children in the residential settings.


The Head of Childrens Social Care responded that there was ongoing recruitment into the settings with an emphasis on making the posts attractive to prospective recruits. She stated  that means of building a pool of casual staff as opposed to utilising the services of agency staff was also being looked at.


She invited the Group Manager – Placements and Provider Services to elaborate.


He stated there were visible positive signs in recruitment of staff with managers working closely with the communications team to encourage such recruitment.


The Deputy Leader stated they were aware of the difficulties faced by the children who had since been moved to a similar setting run by social workers. She assured the committee that she had received updates that they were doing well and the move was a positive one. She stated that the focus on recruitment was based on the quality of support, rather than the number of employees.


The Head of Childrens Social Care supported the above statements and reiterated that the Maple Tree residential home would only re-open if the requirements set out by the inspectorate are fully satisfied. She stated that a New Build facility in Brynmenyn is to be opened as an emergency and assessment provision.

The Corporate Director for Social Services and Wellbeing added that they were looking at a multi-agency response and working towards achieving a Therapeutic Model.


The Leader expressed his gratitude to staff and sought reassurance that requirements set out for improvement have been implemented.


The Head of Childrens Social Care stated that the management of the Sunnybank Residential unit had responded to the recommendations set out by the Inspectorate and assured that there had not been any inspections since.


RESOLVED : That the Cabinet Committee  noted the report.



12/01/2023 - Update On The Implementation Of The Basic Income Pilot Scheme ref: 598    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Made at meeting: 12/01/2023 - Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Decision published: 12/01/2023

Effective from: 12/01/2023


A report was presented by the Corporate Director for Social Services and Wellbeing on the above topic.


The Deputy Leader queried the outcome of the individuals who benefit from the Pilot Scheme and those who did not.


A Member queried details of the tenure and provision of direct payment. He also queried on support provided to those individuals who were vulnerable on inexperienced in handling finance. The Member further queried, as the scheme ran over a period of 3 years, the provisions in place in the event the individual secured employment or training.


The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations queried the support available to the young person after the pilot scheme had reached its end.


The Team Manager - Just Ask plus responded by stating that payment went direct to the individual. He stated that all young people were assigned to a personal advisor who would guide them on this. He stated that the young person would be in receipt of basic income when employed. He also stated that it was important to keep the young person engaged to ensure a steady income.


The Deputy Leader added to this by stating that the young person will be entitled to the support until they reach the age of 25..


The Cabinet Member for Resources queried how many out of the number currently in the scheme are currently in education.


The Team Manager - Just Ask plus responded by stating that exact figures were not available, however there was an expectation for surveys and personal advisors would  assist with the figures.


The Corporate Director for Social Services and Wellbeing stated there were currently KPI’s on care-leavers engaging with the Local Authority and agreed to put local measures in place here.


The Leader agreed that it would be helpful to have the wider update as it was about enhancing their opportunities, evaluating and monitoring regularly and he  welcomed a six month or annual report on the project.


RESOLVED : That the Committee considered the contents of the report and noted the progress relating to the implementation of the Basic Income Pilot Scheme.



12/01/2023 - Urgent Items ref: 601    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Made at meeting: 12/01/2023 - Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting

Decision published: 12/01/2023

Effective from: 12/01/2023

