ePetition details

Funding for Bridgend Music Service and schools

We the undersigned petition the council to not go forth with the proposed cuts of music funding for the Bridgend Music Service and schools.

Music holds such an important place in education and development amongst young people, especially with it being such a significant part of the new curriculum. It provides valuable enrichment to pupils and helps to develop language, motor skills, emotional intelligence and collaboration skills [1]. Cuts of funding for the Bridgend Music Service would cause these valuable steps towards a rounded education to be neglected.

In 2023 the music industry in Wales generated a turnover of £262m [2].

The proposal would fail to deliver the Welsh Government’s National Plan for Music Education [3], “for which there has been substantial grant funded investment in local authority music services in recent years” [4]. It would cause a loss of ensembles and orchestras which provide young people with key social events and activities. It would deny many students of beneficial opportunities towards musical careers and would severely damage Bridgend’s representation in national orchestras such as the National Youth Orchestra of Wales. The cuts of music funding would also affect many young people who would not be able to afford music tuition otherwise.

Additionally, it could have a detrimental effect on the mental health and wellbeing of the young people who benefit from these services. Music services help children and young people who have difficulties with their mental health. As declared on BCBC’s Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda report pack for the 28th January 2025: “Members therefore pointed out that these proposals to reduce or remove these services was against the LA’s priority to protect vulnerable individuals”. [5]

Preserving the funds for Bridgend Music Service would continue to grant young people in the Bridgend county a creative outlet to express themselves, helping to improve connections and raise spirits in the community.






Started by: Poppy Shingler

This ePetition runs from 27/01/2025 to 26/02/2025.

1674 people have signed this ePetition.