Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Replacement Local Development Plan Submission Document'
- Councillor Freya Bletsoe - Personal - Personal interest in Item 9 due to my paid employment in the private rented sector
- Councillor Heidi Bennett - Personal - Item 9 - the Replacement Local Development Plan Submission document
- Councillor Ian Williams - Prejudicial - Prejudical interest in Item 9 on the grounds of pre-determination upon an element of the LDP proposal
- Councillor Jon-Paul Blundell - Prejudicial - Prejudicial interest in Item 9 on the grounds of pre-determination of an element of the LDP
- Councillor Melanie Jayne Evans - Personal - Personal interest in Item 9 - as reference is made in the report to the Penprisk Bridge and in my capacity as a Pencoed Town Councillor
- Councillor Richard Williams - Personal - Personal interest Item 9 - as a Member of the Development Control Committee and due to the reference in the report to the Pencoed Level Crossing
- Councillor Steven Bletsoe - Personal - Item 9 - due to my paid employment in the private rented sector