Meeting attendance

Thursday, 18th July, 2024 11:00, Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1

Venue:   Hybrid in the Council Chamber - Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB

Contact:    Democratic Services

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Lucy Beard Officer Expected
Cynghorydd Jon-Paul Blundell Committee Member Expected
Cabinet_Committee Officer Expected
Room - Council Chamber Officer Expected
Angela Clarke Church Representative Expected
Cynghorydd Richard Collins Committee Member Expected
Cynghorydd Huw David Committee Member Expected
Nicola Echanis Officer Expected
Councillor Heather Griffiths Committee Member Expected
Stephen Griffiths Officer Expected
Lindsay Harvey Officer Expected
Councillor Della Hughes Committee Member Expected
Rachel Keepins Officer Expected
Samantha Lambert-Worgan Parent Governor Representative Expected
Meryl Lawrence Officer Expected
Mark Lewis Officer Expected
Councillor Johanna Llewellyn-Hopkins Committee Member Expected
Claire Marchant Officer Expected
Jessica Mclellan Officer Expected
Janine Nightingale Officer Expected
Michael Pitman Officer Expected
Scrutiny Officer Expected
Mark Shephard Officer Expected
Councillor Ian Spiller Committee Member Expected
Cynghorydd Tim Thomas Committee Member Expected
Cynghorydd Jefferson Tildesley MBE Committee Member Expected
Kelly Watson Officer Expected
Cynghorydd Alex Williams Chairperson Expected
Cynghorydd Amanda Williams Committee Member Expected
Councillor Elaine Winstanley Committee Member Expected