Venue: remotely - via Microsoft Teams
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.
Minutes: Councillor CE Smith - agenda item 10 - School Modernisation Programme: Outcome of the Consultation on Schools’ Modernisation Proposal to Enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School - Personal interest as he has nephews and nieces who attend and will attend Mynydd Cynffig Primary School.
Councillor J Gebbie - agenda item 10 - School Modernisation Programme: Outcome of the Consultation on Schools’ Modernisation Proposal to Enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School - Prejudicial interest as Chair of Governors of Mynydd Cynffig Primary School and withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item.
Councillor D Patel – agenda item 8 – A Future Approach to Employability - Personal interest as the officer referred to in the report is known to her and withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item.
Councillor HJ David – agenda item 8 – A Future Approach to Employability - Personal interest as the officer referred to in the report is known to him.
Councillor HM Williams – agenda item 8 – A Future Approach to Employability - Personal interest as the officer referred to in the report is known to him. |
Approval of Minutes PDF 299 KB To receive for approval the Minutes of 18/01/2022
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 18 January 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record subject to an amendment being made by re-wording the following sentence in minute number 770 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022-23 to 2025-26, paragraph 14 by deleting the following sentence “The Deputy Leader welcomed the report and stated that while he was predisposed, his mind open and welcomed any input from Members” and replacing it with the following wording “The Deputy Leader welcomed the report and his mind is open and welcomed any input from Members.” |
Domestic Energy Efficiency Programme, Caerau Ward 2012 and 2013 PDF 148 KB Minutes: The Chief Executive sought approval to submit a business case to Welsh Government by 28 February 2022, to secure a provisional offer of funding towards carrying out essential remedial work required to properties in Caerau following the failure of wall insulation work installed in 2012/13. He also sought Cabinet support for a request to be made for a Council capital allocation to be approved and included as part of that business case submission, to ensure a comprehensive scheme is developed to address all affected properties.
The Chief Executive reported that Cabinet had been advised previously in November 2020 and March 2021 of the failure of wall insulation work, which had shown significant signs of water ingress and damp to properties in Caerau. He had been given delegated authority by Cabinet to engage with relevant stakeholders involved in the programmes of work to install wall insulation in Caerau in 2012/13 and explore options to address and remedy the failing work identified. It was also agreed that a further report to Cabinet be presented outlining the outcome of continued engagement with the likes of OFGEM the energy regulator, UK Government and in particular Welsh Government, when any solutions had been agreed.
The Chief Executive reported that 104 properties had wall insulation work carried out in Caerau at that time, with the Council administering the funding for 25 of these properties using the Arbed scheme, through funding granted by Welsh Government. He stated that the other 79 properties had work completed using the UK Government sponsored community energy saving programme (CESP), with no involvement of the Council in the work. He informed Cabinet that it had been the Council’s position to find a comprehensive solution with the other stakeholders to address all of the failing wall insulation work, regardless of who funded and administered the original work.
He reported that an offer has been made by the Welsh Government of funding in principle subject to the Council submitting a detailed business case for approval by the deadline of 28 February 2022. The offer of funding is predicated on an initial outline business case the Council submitted last year and on the basis that this Council will also make a financial contribution towards the overall scheme. He stated that it was very difficult at this stage to accurately estimate the total cost of the full programme as there are various unknowns, as following a survey undertaken in 2019, the problems existed to varying degrees in the homes surveyed. He informed Cabinet that the cost to strip off and replace the existing cladding could be based on up to £30,000 per home, with the total cost of the full programme being £3.5m. On that basis, a request would be made to Council to contribute funding of £855,000. He stated that discussions continue between the Welsh Government and the UK Government on the possibility of funding through the UK Government ‘Eco’ scheme, which would reduce the overall cost to each contributor.
The Chief Executive reported that ... view the full minutes text for item 787. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022-23 to 2025-26 and Draft Budget Consultation Process PDF 88 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairperson of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee presented Cabinet with the findings and recommendations of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (COSC) on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) proposals.
She advised that for ease of reference the COSC had considered the findings of the Budget Research and Evaluation Panel and all Overview and Scrutiny Committees on 1 February 2022 to determine whether the recommendations should be forwarded to Cabinet, as part of the budget consultation process. She stated that the COSC had accepted the recommendations and comments from both the BREP and the Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the MTFS proposals and had agreed to submit them to Cabinet.
The Deputy Leader expressed his thanks to the Chairperson of the COSC for presenting the recommendations to Cabinet and added that Cabinet would consider and respond to the recommendations it had received. He stated that some of the recommendations proposed had already been implemented, while other recommendations will require a more detailed piece of work.
The Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations thanked the members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, which is cross party for their participation in scrutinising the MTFS. The Leader also expressed his appreciation for the work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and that of the Budget Research and Evaluation Panel.
The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help reassured the Chairperson of the COSC that in relation to Recommendation 6, Cabinet is already lobbying the Welsh Government to ensure that the additional responsibilities placed on the Council through the Additional Learning Needs Bill comes with consequential funding. In relation to Recommendation 8, the Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help stated that Cabinet is very aware of the impact of Covid and long Covid on social care costs, and that the duplication of back-office functions is being looked that to free up social workers’ time. In relation to recommendation 9, a motion to the Welsh Government and Westminster to fund wholesale reform of the social care system with the strategic aim to fund social care fit for the future is being done. In relation to recommendation 10, the Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help stated that re-balancing the market between commissioned and in-house services is being looked at, having regard to younger people being housed by the Council over the long term.
The Leader referred to recommendation 5 and asked whether the review it was recommending related to the cost of the providing full time nursery education. The Chairperson of the COSC stated there was no cross-party consensus on this recommendation and the wording of the recommendation had been left vague.
The Leader referred to recommendation 11, which related to the Cabinet exploring the potential for increasing charges in Social Services and stated that most of the charges levied are regulated and fixed by the Welsh Government, such as the cap for domiciliary care. The Chairperson of the COSC informed Cabinet that she would ask the Chairperson of the Subject ... view the full minutes text for item 788. |
Capital Programme Update PDF 168 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer Finance Performance and Change sought agreement from Cabinet to present a report to Council for the approval of a revised capital programme for 2021-22 to 2030-31.
The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change reported that the Council on 24 February 2021 approved a Capital Strategy, incorporating the Prudential Indicators for 2021-22, along with a capital programme covering the period 2020-21 to 2030-31 as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). The capital programme had been updated during the year with new schemes, amendments to existing funding packages and changes to delivery profiles. New grant awards, outcomes of tender processes and updates on existing schemes which need including within the capital programme had occurred since the programme was last approved by Council on 19 January 2022.
The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change informed Cabinet that a capital programme covering the period 2021-22 to 2031-2032 will be presented to Cabinet and Council, on 22 and 23 February 2022 respectively, as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022-23 to 2025-26, alongside the proposed Capital Strategy for 2022-23 to 2031-32. She stated that there exist a number of financial pressures arising as a result of current market conditions, impacted by the pandemic and Brexit.
The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change reported that the capital programme for 2021-22 to 2030-31 approved by Council in January 2002 is £212,439m, of which £118.094m is met from the Council’s resources, including capital receipts, revenue contributions from earmarked reserves and borrowing, with the remaining £94.345m coming from external resources, including General Capital Grant. She informed Cabinet that the following new schemes now need including in the capital programme, some of which are wholly or partly grant funded, along with others which need amending:
The Deputy Leader in commending the revised capital programme commented on the impact of Brexit and Covid on the Council and to the cost of living which had seen an increase in prices submitted by tenderers in tendering for schemes. He highlighted the example of the recent tender of two pedestrian crossings where the sum tendered was 2.5 times the anticipated cost. He welcomed the funding of the Cardiff Capital Region which would see the Cardiff Capital Region Metro Plus and Ewenny Road Industrial Estate come to fruition. The Leader commented on the importance of the funding from the Cardiff Capital Region, without which, the schemes could not happen.
The Cabinet Member Communities highlighted the importance to residents of the funding for the adoption of Ynyslas, Porthcawl. He asked for an explanation of the additional investment in ICT equipment for schools. The Corporate Director Education and Family Support explained that the funding had come from the Welsh Government’s Hwb Infrastructure Grant and the funding could be carried over if ... view the full minutes text for item 789. |
The Seniors Open Championship, Royal Porthcawl Golf Club 2023 PDF 153 KB Minutes: The Corporate Director Communities sought approval for a contribution of funding and officer support from Bridgend County Borough Council to the Senior Open Championship, 2023, to enter into a Rights Agreement and to continue work to establish Royal Porthcawl as a venue capable of hosting the Open Championship.
The Corporate Director Communities reported that Bridgend County hosted the first golf major in Wales when Royal Porthcawl hosted the Senior Open Championship in 2014, with over 43,000 people attending the event, generating an estimated economic impact of £2.16m. Additionally, the media equivalence value from comprehensive television coverage for Porthcawl and the County Borough was calculated at a further £5.2m. The event returned to Royal Porthcawl in 2017, attended by over 32,000 people, with the global Media Equivalency Value for Bridgend County, including Royal Porthcawl, calculated at £7.8m.
The Corporate Director Communities reported that the Senior Open Championship will return to Royal Porthcawl in 2023 and whilst weather dependent, the event will deliver benefits for the local economy and promotes Porthcawl as a destination across the world. She stated that the Welsh Government is supporting the delivery of the three Senior Open Championships between 2014 and 2024 with a grant of £5m and a request had been made by the event organisers for a contribution from the Council of £50k. The proposed contribution of £50k is the total capped funding package requested from the Council towards the event to cover the costs associated with any or all the costs indicated in the report as considered appropriate by the European Tour (ET) in return for the benefits indicated in the report to the Council and the substantial estimated impact on the local economy. She highlighted the benefits the Championship will provide to the Council.
The Corporate Director Communities reported that a liaison group will be established with relevant officer representation and a representative of the ET. The group will aim to provide advice and guidance to the ET to assist with their decision making, broker relationships between the ET and local stakeholders and identify opportunities in relation to local partnership development, business engagement and promotion and marketing for the ET to take forward.
The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration in commending the proposals commented on the significance of the event to Porthcawl, the County Borough and nationally which could not be under-estimated. He stated that the return of the Seniors Open had shown the track record the Council has in delivering the event with its partners. He also stated that the liaison group will strive to get the outcomes for the community with the possibility of complimentary tickets being available to children who are disadvantaged. The Leader stated he supported the idea of making the sport more accessible and inclusive to children who are disadvantaged.
The Cabinet Member Communities questioned how the event would be promoted from the M4 to make it more visibly accessible. The Corporate Director stated that of importance to the success of the event is to have a traffic ... view the full minutes text for item 790. |
A Future Approach to Employability PDF 367 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member Communities reported on the success throughout the County through the delivery of Employability Bridgend and sought endorsement for the Framework for Future Employability in the Cardiff Capital Region, which built on the Cardiff Capital Region Employment and Skills plan. It was proposed that the framework be used as the basis for officers to work collaboratively across the Cardiff Capital Region and Wales to secure suitable future resources for employability work that replace those previously available through European Union (EU) funds.
The Corporate Director reported that the Enterprise and Employability Manager of the Council would lead on negotiations with appropriate stakeholders in the development of partnership working and associated arrangements. The Corporate Director Communities stated that she would in consultation with the Corporate Director Education and Family Support, Chief Officer – Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy and Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change submit proposals to secure resources for employability through appropriate funds and agree partnership working and associated agreements which the Council are able to agree to, in line with the Scheme of Delegation. She stated that any resulting funding offers would be presented to future meetings of Cabinet as considered appropriate for information or decision.
The Corporate Director Communities reported that all 10 local authorities in the Cardiff Capital Region currently deliver employability activity to support people into employment or to help them progress to more sustainable or better paid employment. Following the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, European Social Funding (ESF) will no longer be available to support projects to deliver on-going benefits for individuals, communities and the economy of the County Borough. The ESF funded projects that are still active are now entering a closure phase and all projects must close, according to EU rules, by December 2023.
The Corporate Director Communities reported that to avoid a gap in the delivery of employability services, the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) Regional Skills Partnership (RSP) has adopted an Employment and Skills Plan, which sets a clear vision of the future skills needs of the CCR and the activities that regional partners need to deliver to achieve this. She stated that to build on this, the 10 CCR Local Authorities have worked together to create a single, clear, consistent framework for future employability projects in the region based on a shared vision, shared principles, and common tools. She informed Cabinet that the framework is based on shared principles, which reflect on the lessons learnt from over 20 years’ experience of delivering employability projects across the region.
The Cabinet Member Communities stated that the importance of the employability proposals could not be under-estimated, and he commented that he would like to see engagement with people who have previously benefitted from the support of Employability Bridgend in getting back into employment. The Leader commented that this a big opportunity for the County Borough and he urged residents who are at risk of losing their employment to get in touch with the Employability Team. He ... view the full minutes text for item 791. |
3 Year Strategic Plan For Children's Social Care In Bridgend PDF 395 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing presented for approval a 3 year strategic plan for Children’s Social Care in Bridgend.
The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing reported that Children’s social care services in Bridgend are fundamental in delivering the Council’s statutory duties under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 to safeguard, protect and improve outcomes for the most vulnerable children in the County Borough, and which had seen an increase in need and complexity of children and families, since the pandemic, with a 40% increase in contacts into children’s social care. She informed Cabinet that, in common with many other local authorities in Wales and across the UK Children’s social care had experienced challenges in the retention and recruitment of children’s social workers.
The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing reported that the 3 year strategic plan for Bridgend Children’s social care sets out the purpose of children’s social care in Bridgend and emphasises the importance of culture, behaviour and values in delivering that purpose as well as the strategic actions detailed in the plan. She stated that the governance of the plan will be through an ‘Improving Outcomes for Children Board’ and chaired by the Chief Executive. The Board will provide regular reports on progress to the Cabinet Corporate Management Board, the Cabinet Corporate Parenting Committee and the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Board will provide regular oversight, challenge and direction and ensure that resources are recommended to enable delivery of this plan. The Board will benefit from independent expert advice provided by a specialist in Children’s social care who will advise on the priorities set out, measures and progress.
The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help in commending the proposal commented on the necessity for the 3 year strategic plan due to the 40% increase in children requiring care. She stated that is a need to build on the partnerships it had developed, to be pro-active to give stability to children.
The Cabinet Member Communities referred to the challenges in recruitment and retention and asked what steps are being taken to address this. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing stated that one of the keys to address recruitment and retention positively is for the Council to grow its own, through the secondments and traineeships. The skill mix of social worker and non-social work staff was being looked at, taking into account good practice in other local authorities.
The Cabinet Member Communities asked what steps are being taken to break the cycle so that care experienced children are given life and employment opportunities. She commented on the importance of giving care experienced children the same support as people’s own children so that they have the very best opportunities. She stated that within the new Corporate Parenting Officer’s remit and the Corporate Parenting Strategy would be to ensure that care experienced children to have the same access to opportunities as non-care experienced children.
The Leader commented on the importance and success of the ... view the full minutes text for item 792. |
Minutes: The Corporate Director Education and Family Support reported that Cabinet at its meeting in October 2021, considered the outcome of the feasibility and approved the commencement of a statutory consultation process to enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School to a 2 Form Entry school and a 75-place nursery to be located on the junior site and open with effect from September 2025. Accordingly, consultation exercises were carried out between 30 November 2021 and 12 January 2022 in accordance with the statutory School Organisation Code.
He reported that the consultation document invited views and opinions to be submitted in respect of the proposal and Cabinet would need to consider the consultation report and determine the preferred way forward. He stated that should Cabinet proceed with the proposal, the next stage would be to publish a statutory notice outlining the proposals, which would need to be published for a period of 28 days and any formal written objections would be invited during this time. He informed Cabinet that if there are no objections during the public notice period then the proposal can be implemented with the approval of Cabinet. If there are objections at this public notice stage, an objections report will be published summarising the objections and the authority’s response to those objections. He stated that Cabinet would need to consider the proposal in light of objections and could then accept, reject or modify the proposal.
The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration in commending the recommendations stated that the proposals had been revisited because of concerns expressed at the consultation. He stated that the new facility proposed will be great for Kenfig Hill and he thanked all who had taken part on the consultation, which had helped shape the future of the development of the existing Mynydd Cynffig junior school. He also stated that discussions are continuing with the allotment holders and Air Training Corp to ensure their needs are met. He commented on the sustainability of the proposal in that for the first time, the school will be located on one site, which will benefit staff and pupils.
The Leader commented that the proposals had been met with genuine enthusiasm when he along with the Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration and Chair of Governors and one of the Ward members had visited the school. He stated that school will feature 2 all-weather sports pitches and would also benefit the wider community. He referred to the concerns expressed by Parents for Welsh Medium Education that the impact on the Welsh Language had not been addressed with the increase in places to be available at Mynydd Cynffig. He stated that the Council will enlarge Welsh medium provision in that cluster with the proposed expansion of Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sger and the proposals for a seedling school in Porthcawl. The Corporate Director Education and Family Support commented on the importance of the proposals for the enlargement of Mynydd Cynffig working for the community. He stated that the Council is committed to providing very ... view the full minutes text for item 793. |
Cabinet, Council and Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programmes PDF 135 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy presented a report which sought approval for items to be included on the Forward Work Programme for the period 1 March 2022 to 5 May 2022 and for Cabinet to note the Council and Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programmes for the same period.
The Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations stated that the publication of the Forward Work Programmes is important for transparency in decision making.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
· Approved the Cabinet Forward Work Programme for the period 1 March 2022 to 5 May 2022 at Appendix 1 to the report; Noted the Council and Overview and Scrutiny Committees Forward Work Programmes for the same period, as shown at Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of the report, respectively. |
Information Report for Noting PDF 264 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy presented a report, which informed Cabinet of the following information report which had been published since its last scheduled meeting.
The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration congratulated the leadership, teachers, pupils and governing bodies of the schools listed in the Estyn Inspections for the progress they had all made.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet acknowledged the publication of the document listed in the report:
Title Date Published
Estyn Inspections For Plasnewydd Primary School, 2 February 2022 Ogmore Vale Primary School, Cefn Cribwr Primary School and Archbishop Mcgrath Catholic High School |
Urgent Items To consider any items of business that by reason of special circumstances the chairperson is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency in accordance with paragraph 2.4 (e) of the Cabinet Procedure Rules within the Constitution.
Minutes: There were no urgent items. |