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Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest from Members/Officers in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.
Minutes: None.
To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Councillor JC Spanswick Minutes: The Mayor’s announcements were as follows:
Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the newly elected Councillors here today and also to those who were returned for another term of office to serve their respective communities over the next 5 years.
It has been an honour and privilege to serve as Mayor of the County Borough of Bridgend for the past year, and I must say a big thank you to my dear wife and Mayoress, Susan Spanswick, who has been at my side at numerous events and has kept me well and truly in line most of the time.
While we have emerged from the pandemic it has been a pleasure to attend an increasing number of events and functions and there has been in excess of 100 engagements over this time.
Some of the highlights of the year have definitely been meeting people to present them with their Citizenship Award and there have been some really deserving recipients this year and hopefully there will be even more during the forthcoming year. So please keep a look out in your communities in readiness for making some nominations later in the year.
I would also like to thank the Democratic Services staff for helping with the administration of the role, but a big thank you must go to Roger Harrison as the Mayors chauffeur, organiser, advisor and time-keeper and many other roles (in fact a Swiss army knife for Mayors).
On the Mayor’s charity fundraising front I am pleased to announce that in excess of £7,000 has been raised in total and will now be shared equally between Lads & Dads and Bridgend Carers Centre. This has not been an easy task and the final event last month where 20 people (including myself) took part in the Welsh 3 Peaks over 24 hours was a gruelling challenge and one that tested me to my limits.
Our final engagement last week was to attend the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, but unfortunately the weather was not great and after queuing for almost 2 hours in the rain we finally got in (soaking wet) and just about managed to see Prince Charles and several other royals leaving the party. It was still a great event but a tip for future Mayors is to start queuing at least an hour before the gates open.
Finally, I would like to thank the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Martyn Jones, for his support and assistance over the past year and wish him a successful year ahead and one that continues to represent the County Borough of Bridgend and the people who live here in the best light possible.
To elect the Mayor for the period to May 2023 in accordance with Section 23(1) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor M Jones be elected as Mayor for the ensuing year, to May 2023 (as unopposed).
To announce the Mayor's Consort Minutes: Councillor Jones advised that he had no Consort for the ensuing year, however, he would be inviting relevant Ward Members with him periodically, to functions and events that take place within their areas during the course of his Mayoral term.
To elect the Deputy Mayor for the period to May 2023 in accordance with Section 24(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes: There were two nominations received, both moved and seconded, for Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year, namely Councillors W Kendall and T Thomas.
A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:-
Councillor Kendall
Councillors H Bennett, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, JC Spanswick, JH Tildesley, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 27 votes
Councillor Thomas
Councillors S Aspey, A Berrow, F Bletsoe, S Bletsoe, Chris Davies, D Harrison, D Hughes, RM James, P Jenkins, M John, J Pratt, E Richards, R Smith, I Spiller, R Penhale-Thomas, T Thomas, A Wathan, Alex Williams, Amanda Williams, I Williams, M Williams, T Wood = 22 votes
RESOLVED: That Councillor W Kendall be elected as Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year, to May 2023.
To announce the Deputy Mayor's Consort Minutes: Councillor W Kendall announced that his Consort for the forthcoming year would be his wife June Kendall.
To elect the Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council Minutes: There were two nominations received for the Leader for the ensuing year, that were both moved and seconded, namely Councillors HJ David and R Penhale-Thomas.
A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:
Councillor HJ David
Councillors S Aspey, H Bennett, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, JC Spanswick, JH Tildesley, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 28 votes
Councillor R Penhale-Thomas
Councillors A Berrow, F Bletsoe, S Bletsoe, Chris Davies, D Harrison, D Hughes, RM James, P Jenkins, M John, J Pratt, E Richards, R Smith, I Spiller, R Penhale-Thomas, T Thomas, A Wathan, Alex Williams, Amanda Williams, I Williams, M Williams, T Wood = 21 votes
RESOLVED: That Councillor HJ David be elected as Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council for the ensuing year, to May 2023.
To receive the report of the Leader Minutes: The Leader had no report to share with Members, however, he added that he was extremely proud to be elected once more as Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council, as he had been in the previous term of office. He added that he would work tirelessly with all Members, in order to improve the County Borough of Bridgend for both its constituents and visitors alike.
To agree the number of Members to be appointed to the Cabinet Minutes: It was announced by the Leader that the Council’s Cabinet would consist of a total of 7 County Borough Members.
The Leader to appoint Members of the Cabinet Minutes: The Leader confirmed that the Cabinet would comprise of the following Members:-
Councillor HJ David Councillor J Gebbie Councillor HM Williams Councillor N Farr Councillor JP Blundell Councillor JC Spanswick Councillor R Goode
The Leader may announce the Deputy Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council from those Members appointed to the Cabinet and may announce the appointment of Cabinet Members to portfolios. Minutes: Councillor HJ David announced the above appointments together with himself as Leader, as follows:-
Councillor J Gebbie – Deputy Leader/Cabinet Member for Social Services and Early Help Councillor JP Blundell – Cabinet Member for Education Councillor H Williams – Cabinet Member for Resources Councillor N Farr – Cabinet Member for Regeneration Councillor R Goode – Cabinet Member for Future Generations and Wellbeing Councillor JC Spanswick – Cabinet Member for Communities
Appointments to the Council Committees and Other Council Bodies Additional documents:
Minutes: The purpose of the report was to seek Council approval for the appointment of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and such other Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels and bodies as the Council considers appropriate, to deal with matters which are neither reserved to full Council nor are executive functions.
The report attached the following supporting Appendices:-
Paragraph 4.12.1 of the report, outlined some other information in relation to the Council’s Constitution, which the Monitoring Officer expanded upon for the benefit of Council.
RESOLVED: That Council :-
(1) Appointed the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and such other Committees as the Council considered appropriate to deal with matters which are neither reserved to the Council nor are executive functions;
(2) Determined the size and terms of reference for those Committees as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;
(3) Determined the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules as set out in Appendix 2 of the report;
(4) Determined which political groups represented at Council are entitled to make which appointments of Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairpersons;
(5) Received nominations and appointed Councillors to serve on each of the Committees, Panels and other bodies (as indicated), as attached as an Appendix to these minutes:-
• Appeals Panel • Appointments Committee • Governance and Audit Committee • Democratic Services Committee • Development Control Committee • Licensing Committee • Licensing Act 2003 Committee • Town and Community Council Forum • Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 • Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 • Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 • Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(6) Received nominations and appointed the Chairpersons and Vice- Chairpersons of the following Committees, Panels and other bodies (as indicated), with it being noted that the Governance and Audit Committee at its first scheduled meeting will appoint a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, from its Lay Members:
• Appeals Panel – Chairperson – Councillor H Bennett and Vice-Chairperson – Councillor E Caparros (both unopposed) · Appointments Committee – Chairperson - Councillor HJ David and Vice-Chairperson – Councillor J Gebbie – (both unopposed) • Democratic Services Committee - Chairperson – Councillor T Thomas (unopposed) • Development Control Committee - Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
Two nominations were received for the appointment of Chairperson of the Development Control Committee, that were both duly moved and seconded, namely Councillor RM Granville and Councillor M Williams.
A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:-
Councillor RM Granville
Councillors H Bennett, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, JC Spanswick, JH Tildesley, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 27 votes
Councillor M Williams
Councillors ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Proposed Programme of Ordinary Meetings of the Council and Council Committees Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer presented a report, the purpose of which, was to propose a programme of ordinary meetings of the Council and Council Committees for May 2022 - April 2023 for approval (Appendix 1 to the report) and to note the proposed programme of meetings for the municipal year May 2023 – April 2024 (at Appendix 2).
She advised that the approval of the programme of ordinary meetings of Council and Council Committees is required in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
Provisional appointments would be placed in the Members/Cabinet Committee electronic calendar and expanded as necessary to all individual Members’ calendars, when the schedule is approved and as soon as the composition of all Council bodies is known, based on the political balance of the Authority.
Under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, the Council is required to undertake a survey of the timings of all Committee meetings as soon as possible in a new term of office. It is proposed explained the Monitoring Officer, that the survey will be carried out imminently, with the outcomes of this reported back to Council in July with full implementation to take effect from September. Therefore, whilst the dates of Committee meetings were shown in the attached Appendices, the timings of these will be added following the outcome of this survey, other for the exceptions to meetings scheduled this month.
The Monitoring Officer confirmed, that in order to assist with future planning, a draft programme of meetings for the 2023/24 Municipal Year is attached at Appendix 2 of the reportfor noting. This programme may be subject to some further amendments, prior to it being approved at next year’s Annual Meeting of Council.
RESOLVED: That Council:-
a. Approved the proposed programme of Council meetings for 2022/23 set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report;
b. Approved the proposed programme of meetings of Council Committees set out in Appendix 1 of the report;
c. Noted the provisional draft programme of meetings of Council and Council Committees for 2023/24 set out in Appendix 2 to the report;
d. Noted the proposed dates of Cabinet, any Cabinet Committees and the Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee which were also set out in Appendix 1 and 2 to this report, for information purposes.
e. Noted that the timings of meetings shown in Appendix 1 and 2 will be confirmed upon the completed outcome of the Timings of Meetings survey to be undertaken by Members and further reported to Council.
Representation on Outside Bodies and other Committees Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Council’s approval for the appointment of Members to the South Wales Police and Crime Panel, Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee and the South-East Wales Strategic Planning Group as set out in the report at Appendix 1, for the ensuing year, to May 2023.
The following nominations, both moved and duly seconded, for appointment to the Cardiff City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee were received:
Councillor P Davies and Councillor I Williams.
A vote was therefore conducted on this appointment as follows:
Councillor P Davies Councillors H Bennett, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, J Pratt, JC Spanswick, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 27 votes
Councillor I Williams
Councillors S Aspey, A Berrow, F Bletsoe, S Bletsoe, D Harrison, RM James, M John, E Richards, R Smith, I Spiller, A Wathan, Amanda Williams, I Williams, M Williams, T Wood = 15 votes
Councillors Chris Davies, D Hughes, P Jenkins, R Penhale-Thomas, Alex Williams = 5 votes
RESOLVED: (1) That Councillor P Davies be appointed to the Cardiff City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee and Councillor S Griffiths be appointed the Deputy Member.
(2) That Councillor J Llewellyn-Hopkins be appointed to the South Wales Police and Crime Panel.
(3) That the Chairperson of the Development Control Committee (Councillor RM Granville) be appointed to the South East Wales Strategic Planning.
To invest the Mayor of Bridgend County Borough Council for 2022/23 Minutes: Following Council having approved the nomination of Councillor M Jones as Mayor of Bridgend County Borough for the year 2022/2023, Councillor Jones was invited by the outgoing Mayor, to formally accept the Office of Mayor. Councillor Jones verbally accepted the office of Mayor and recited the following oath :–
“I Martyn Jones do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.”
Councillor JC Spanswick extended his congratulations to the incoming Mayor.
To invest the Mayor's Consort Minutes: The Deputy Mayor as announced earlier in proceedings, did not have a Consort for the ensuing year.
To receive any announcement from the newly elected Mayor Minutes: The incoming Mayor Councillor M Jones, extended his thanks to the outgoing Mayor and his Consort and in particular, to the advice and guidance Councillor Spanswick had given him this last 12 months. It had been an honour and a privilege to deputise for him, he added.
As the first citizen of the County Borough of Bridgend, he was very proud for both himself, his family and for the Bettws community for whom he had served as a County Borough Councillor for the last 10 years.
He was following a tradition, in that previous Councillors from Bettws, such as Councillor Vernon Chilcott and Councillor Chris Michaelides, had also previously been Mayor’s of BCBC and these would be big acts to follow.
The Mayor extended his congratulations to Councillor W Kendall and his wife June, in their role as Deputy Mayor and Consort for the ensuing year, particularly as Councillor Kendall had also been raised in Bettws.
In terms of his Charity for the year ahead, Councillor Jones advised that he would be seeking a collective and collaborative approach to this with fellow Mayor’s of the four towns of Bridgend, Porthcawl, Maesteg and Pencoed and other Community Council’s also, to support the people of Ukraine, who had been subjected to a war at the hands of Russia. This was a terrible tragedy he felt and any support to victims would be a very worthwhile cause.
To invest the Deputy Mayor of Bridgend County Borough Council for 2022/23 Minutes: The outgoing Mayor Councillor JC Spanswick confirmed that earlier Council had approved the nomination of Councillor W Kendall as Deputy Mayor of Bridgend County Borough Council for the year 2022-23. He therefore invited Councillor Kendall to accept this offer in office.
Councillor Kendall duly accepted the offer of Deputy Mayor and said that he looked forward to supporting the newly elected Mayor, Councillor M Jones and to support the citizens of the County Borough in this prestigious role.
Councillor Kendall further added, that he was looking forward to the forthcoming year with both enthusiasm and ambition, adding that the role wasa great honour for both him and his family.
To invest the Deputy Mayor's Consort Minutes: That Mrs. June Kendall be invested as the Deputy Mayor’s Consort for the ensuing year.