Agenda, decisions and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Wednesday, 17th May, 2023 16:00

Venue: Hybrid in the Council Chamber - Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest from Members/Officers in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.   


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive any announcements from the Mayor Councillor M Jones


The Mayor gave the following outgoing speech.


‘It has certainly been a privilege and honour to fulfil the role of Mayor of the County Borough of Bridgend


Before I summarise this remarkable journey, I would like to tell you of an incredible event that was held here in the Council Chamber.


On the 14 April we held an adoptions ceremony in the Civic Offices. An event that ended an adoption process for special young people.

We can all recognise that the Councils Social Services Directorate has been under the spotlight recently, perhaps for some wrong reasons, but this event just illustrates the ongoing incredible work that is undertaken to support young children who perhaps have not had the best start in life.


Seven individual families visited the Council Chamber. Proud extended families who it was a pleasure to meet. The love and adoration shown to the children was palpable and watching them run around the Chamber, some of which sat in the Mayor’s chair wearing the Mayoral chain with pride and  making good use of this wooden gravel hammer was a joy to watch.


I have no hesitation in admitting that on some occasions whilst conducting the official business of the event I had difficulty in managing my own emotions.


Could I thank all those who were involved in this incredible event, especially our Director Clare Marchant and Cabinet Member / Deputy Leader Councillor Jane Gebbie, you have certainly made a difference, so congratulations to all.


It has been an incredible year. Being able to attend so many events both within the County Borough and beyond has been wonderful. Can I thank all those for inviting me to your special occasions?


From community events to schools and colleges, charitable events, to evening concerts and many award ceremonies. I was always greeted with politeness and appreciation.


If there is one message, I can convey to others is that this County Borough is enriched with incredible people who are both Proud and Positive. All to often the news / media concentrate on the negative aspects of modern life.


Perhaps, just perhaps, they could get out into communities and meet these incredible people who make a positive contribution to society. People who do not seek reward or recognition but get on with daily life to support others.


Our Annual Mayoral Awards process clearly identifies this positivity.


So, members continue to make those nominations, every ward, every town has that community champion.


The passing of Queen Elizabeth II was sudden and unexpected. A sad and solemn period for us all.


Bridgend County Borough like all other areas across the Commonwealth was in a state of mourning. I attended many church and cathedral services and witnessed at first hand the community respect that was shown to the late sovereign.


To read the proclamation to announce the passing of the longest reigning Monarch and to commence the beginning of the reign of a new King, King Charles III was an honour.


Representation from Town and Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 127.


To elect the Mayor for the period to May 2024 in accordance with Section 23(1) of the Local Government Act 1972

·        The newly elected Mayor to announce their Consort


RESOLVED:                        That Councillor William Kendall be elected as Mayor for the ensuing year, to May 2024.


Councillor Kendall confirmed that his Consort would be his wife June Kendall.



To elect the Deputy Mayor for the period to May 2024 in accordance with Section 24(1) of the Local Government Act 1972

·        The newly elected Deputy Mayor to announce their Consort.


RESOLVED:                        That Councillor Heather Griffiths be elected as Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year, to May 2024.


Councillor Griffiths confirmed that her Consort would be her husband David Griffiths.



To elect the Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council


Councillor HJ David was nominated unopposed for Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.


RESOLVED:                              That Councillor HJ David be elected as Leader of Bridgend County Borough Council for the ensuing year, to May 2024.


The Leader thanked Members for the confidence that had been placed in him once more as Leader of the Authority and he assured Members, that he would continue to take this prestigious role very seriously as he had always done so in the past, so as to do the best he could for the BCB and the constituents who reside within its communities.



The Leader to inform Council of the Members to be appointed to the Cabinet including the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member portfolios.


The Leader was pleased to confirm that the Bridgend County Borough Council Cabinet would comprise of the following Members:-


Councillor HJ David - Leader

Councillor J Gebbie – Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Services and Health

Councillor HM Williams – Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources

Councillor N Farr – Community Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Councillor JP Blundell – Cabinet Member for Education

Councillor JC Spanswick – Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment

Councillor R Goode – Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration



Proposed Programme of Ordinary Meetings of the Council and Council Committees pdf icon PDF 397 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented a report, the purpose of which, was to propose a programme of ordinary meetings of the Council and Council Committees for May 2023 - April 2024 for approval (Appendix 1 to the report) and to note the proposed programme of meetings for the municipal year May 2024 – April 2025 (at Appendix 2). 


She advised that the approval of the programme of ordinary meetings of Council and Council Committees is required in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed, that in order to assist with future planning, a draft programme of meetings for the 2024/25 Municipal Year was attached at Appendix 2 of the report for noting. This programme may be subject to some further amendments, prior to it being approved at next year’s Annual Meeting of Council.


A Member noted that there was a typographical error at Appendix 2 to the report, where the July Council meeting was showing as commencing at 15:00 hours, where it should be 16:00. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that this would be amended.


The Member also noted that there were no Council meetings scheduled for December 2023 and December 2024, in the attached appendices.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that these would look to be inserted in the Programme of Meetings in future, on dates that would not clash with any holiday periods at these times. 


RESOLVED:                                  That Council:-


a.         Approved the proposed programme of Council meetings for 2023/24  set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report;


b.         Approved the proposed programme of meetings of Council Committees for the same period, set out in Appendix 1 of the report;


c.         Noted the provisional draft programme of meetings of Council and Council Committees for 2024/25 set out in Appendix 2 to the report;


d.         Noted the proposed dates of Cabinet, any Cabinet Committees and the Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee which were also set out in Appendix 1 and 2 to this report, for information purposes.



Appointments to the Council Committees and Other Council Bodies pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented a report, its purpose being to seek Council approval for the appointment of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and such other Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels and bodies as the Council considers appropriate, to deal with matters which are neither reserved to full Council nor are executive functions.


The report attached the following supporting Appendices:-


           Role, remit and functions of Committees and other Bodies of the Council – Appendix 1;

           The proposed political balance of Committees, etc – Appendix 2

           Proposed Committee structure – Appendix 3


Paragraph 4.11 of the report, recommended some changes to the Corporate Report Template that were now required for all Committee reports. These related to the incorporation of socio-economic duty and Welsh language implications, links to climate change, safeguarding and corporate parenting, as well as the inclusion of an executive summary, in order that the report reader and decision maker, can quickly acquaint themselves with the report’s content. It was proposed that the new template is used for Committee reports from 18 May 2023, following today’s meeting.    


RESOLVED:                         That Council :-


(1)               Appointed the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and such other Committees as the Council considered appropriate to deal with matters which are neither reserved to the Council nor are executive functions;


(2)               Determined the size and terms of reference for those Committees as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;


(3)               Determined the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules as set out in Appendix 2 of the report;


(4)               Determined which political groups represented at Council are entitled to make which appointments of Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairpersons;


(5)               Received nominations and appointed Councillors to serve on each of the Committees, Panels and other bodies (as indicated), as attached as an Appendix to these minutes:-


           Appeals Panel

           Appointments Committee

           Governance and Audit Committee

           Democratic Services Committee

           Development Control Committee

           Licensing Committee

           Licensing Act 2003 Committee

           Town and Community Council Forum

           Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1

           Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2

           Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3

           Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee 


(6)        Received nominations and appointed the Chairpersons and Vice-  Chairpersons of the following Committees, Panels and other bodies (as indicated), with it being noted that the Governance and Audit Committee at its first scheduled meeting will appoint a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, from its Lay Members:


Two nominations were received for the appointment of Chairperson of the Appeals Panel, that were both duly moved and seconded, namely Councillor H Bennett and Councillor N Clarke.


A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:-


Councillor Bennett – 29 votes

Councillor Clarke – 18 votes

There were no abstentions


RESOLVED:                        That Councillor H Bennett be appointed as Chairperson of the Appeals Panel for the ensuing year, to May 2024.


The following further nominations were received:


            Appeals Panel – Vice-Chairperson – Councillor E Caparros (unopposed)

            Appointments Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133.


Representation on Outside Bodies and other Committees pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Council’s approval for the appointment of Members to the South Wales Police and Crime Panel, Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee and the South-East Wales Strategic Planning Group as set out in the report at Appendix 1, for the ensuing year, to May 2024.


The following nominations, both moved and duly seconded, for the appointment of a member to the Cardiff City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee were received:


Councillor P Davies and Councillor I Williams.


A vote was therefore conducted on this appointment, the result of which was as follows:


Councillor P Davies - 28 votes

Councillor I Williams - 22 votes

There were no abstentions


The following nominations, both moved and duly seconded, for the appointment of a Deputy member to the Cardiff City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee were received:


Councillor S Griffiths and Councillor T Thomas.


A vote was therefore conducted on this appointment, the result of which was as follows:


Councillor S Griffiths - 27 votes

Councillor T Thomas - 23 votes

There were no abstentions


RESOLVED:                    (1) That Councillor P Davies be appointed as a member of the Cardiff City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee and Councillor S Griffiths be appointed as the Deputy Member.


                                         (2) That Councillor J Llewellyn-Hopkins be  appointed as a member of the South Wales Police and Crime Panel.


                                          (3) That the Chairperson of the Development Control Committee (Councillor RM Granville) be appointed as a member of the South East Wales Strategic Planning.



To invest the Mayor of Bridgend County Borough Council for 2023/2024


Following Council having approved the nomination of Councillor W Kendall as Mayor of Bridgend County Borough for the year 2023/2024, Councillor Kendall was invited by the outgoing Mayor, to formally accept the Office of Mayor. Councillor Kendall verbally accepted the office of Mayor and recited the following oath:–


“I William Kendall do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty the King, Charles the Third.”


Councillor M Jones extended his congratulations to the incoming Mayor.


The newly elected Mayor then gave the following speech.


‘I stand before you today with a profound sense of gratitude and as I accept the tremendous honour of being appointed Mayor of our County Borough. I appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in me, and I promise to carry out my duties with dedication and integrity.


I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the outgoing Mayor not just as tribute to his outstanding service as Mayor but also my personal gratitude for the mentoring he has given me in my role as Deputy Mayor.


I would like to take this opportunity to offer my gratitude to Roger Harrison   who has provided faultless guidance on every occasion that it has been required.


I would also like to Thank the Democratic Services Team for their advice  and counselling during my tenure as Deputy Mayor.


It is my privilege to announce the new Youth Mayor Ellie O’Connell and Deputy Youth Mayor Daisy Davies – congratulations to Ellie and Daisy in their roles.


I would like to take this opportunity to announce my nominated charity as  Wales Air Ambulance


To the citizens of our County Borough, I am profoundly honoured to be entrusted with the responsibility of serving as your mayor. I want to assure you that my tenure will be marked by transparency, inclusivity, and a steadfast commitment to serving the best interests of each and every one of you


I appreciate as elected Members we are all champions for Bridgend, county borough council all have responsibilities to voice residents' concerns and to help them realise their aspirations. As Mayor I will keep this at the forefront of every decision we take.


Thank you, and may we together make our County Borough an even better place to call home.


So to all, I say ‘onwards with confidence’.’



To invest the Mayor's Consort


The outgoing Mayor Councillor M Jones announced that it was his pleasure to confirm June Kendall as the incoming Mayor’s Consort.



To invest the Deputy Mayor of Bridgend County Borough Council for 2023/2024


The outgoing Mayor Councillor M Jones confirmed that earlier Council had approved the nomination of Councillor H Griffiths as Deputy Mayor of Bridgend County Borough Council for the year 2023-24. He therefore invited Councillor Griffiths to accept this offer in office.


Councillor Griffiths duly accepted the offer of Deputy Mayor with great pleasure, adding that she looked forward to supporting the newly elected Mayor, Councillor W Kendall as part of this honourable position she had been given.



To invest the Deputy Mayor's Consort


The outgoing Mayor Councillor M Jones announced that it was his further pleasure to confirm David Griffiths as the incoming Deputy Mayor’s Consort.