Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Mark Anthony Galvin Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers including those who are also Town and Community Councillors, in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008. Members having such dual roles should declare a personal interest in respect of their membership of such Town/Community Council and a prejudicial interest if they have taken part in the consideration of an item at that Town/Community Council contained in the Officer’s Reports below. Minutes: The following declaration of interest was made:-
Councillor Carolyn Webster - P/17/511/FUL – Personal interest as the owner of the property was known to her. |
Site Visits To confirm a date of Wednesday 27 September 2017 for proposed site inspections arising at the meeting, or identified in advance of the next Committee meeting by the Chairperson. Minutes: RESOLVED: That a date of Wednesday 27 September 2017 be confirmed for proposed site inspections arising at the meeting or identified in advance of the next Committee meeting by the Chairperson. |
To receive for approval the minutes of the meeting of the Development Control Committee of 6 July 2017 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of a meeting of the Development Control Committee dated 6 July 2017, be approved as a true and accurate record. |
Public Speakers To advise Members of the names of the public speakers listed to speak at today’s meeting (if any). Minutes: There were no public speakers at today’s meeting. |
That the Chairperson accepts the Development Control Committee Amendment Sheet as an urgent item in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules, in order to allow for Committee to consider necessary modifications to the Committee Report, so as to take account of late representations and revisions that require to be accommodated. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Chairperson accepted the Development Control Committee Amendment Sheet as an urgent item in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules, in order to allow for Committee to consider necessary modifications to the Committee report, so as to take account of late representations and revisions that were required to be accommodated. |
Development Control Committee Guidance PDF 72 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Development Control Committee guidance as contained in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities be noted. |
P/17/513/BCB - Site of Cafe, Locks Common Road, Porthcawl PDF 504 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That for the purposes of Regulation 4 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 1992, that permission be deemed to be granted for the above application, subject to the Conditions contained in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities
Demolition of Malc’s Café & toilet block and construction of new Café and Watersports Centre
That Condition 3 on page 25 of the report should be amended to read as follows:-
3. The development hereby permitted shall not operate outside the following times:- 09:00 – 21:00
Reason : In the interests of residential amenities.
That Condition 7 be substituted with the following 3 Conditions 7, 8 and 9 and the existing Conditions 8 -11 be renumbered accordingly:-
7. No development shall commence until a scheme for the provision of a delivery/service yard including a turning area has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The service yard and turning area shall be completed in permanent materials with the turning area clearly demarcated in permanent materials in accordance with the approved layout prior to the development being brought into beneficial use and shall be retained for the purposes of turning of delivery/servicing vehicles in perpetuity.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety.
8. No development shall commence until a scheme for the provision of 2 allocated staff parking spaces has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The parking area shall be completed in permanent materials with the individual spaces clearly demarcated in permanent materials in accordance with the approved layout prior to the development being brought into beneficial use and shall be retained for parking purposes in perpetuity.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety.
9. No development shall commence until a Traffic & Delivery Management Plan for the café, 3 units and the kiosk has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Traffic and Delivery Management plan required to address the above condition will need to contain sufficient information in respect of:
· Opening hours of the car park and gate which control access into the eastern (overflow) area of the car park · opening hours of adjacent retail units which operate from the car park · proposed delivery schedules · proposed delivery vehicle / service vehicle sizes · supporting swept paths diagrams · arrangements for opening /closing gates to the car park out of hours · arrangements for opening /closing the gate to the delivery yard access to prevent inappropriate use · the need to review the plan in the event that any of the above arrangements change
All servicing and deliveries to the units shall adhere with the agreed Traffic & Delivery Management Plan in perpetuity.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety.
That also a new informative Note be added as part of the resolution of the report as follows:-
j. Consideration should be given to the installation of a publicly accessible Changing Place facility within the building (together with directional signage) that complies with BS 8300:2009 and guidance ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
P/17/511/FUL - The Cottage 34 Esplanade Avenue, Porthcawl PDF 918 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the above application be approved, subject to the Conditions contained in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities.
Construct 2 x 2 bed dwellings in garden |
P/17/195/RLX - Land East of A4061 (Bndr) Coity PDF 645 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the above application be deferred, in order that a meeting can be convened with the Council’s Parks Officer to enable certain queries to be addressed as raised by a Member of the Council.
Removal of Condition 4 of P/14/464/OUT |
Minutes: RESOLVED: (1) That the Appeals received since the last Committee meeting, as detailed in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities be noted.
(2) That the following Appeals have since been decided since the last Committee meeting:-
Code No. Subject of Appeal
A/17/3171693 (1800) Agricultural building, Graigwen, Hendre Road, Pencoed (Appendix A)
(3) That the Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers to determine the above Appeal has directed that it be DISMISSED.
Code No. Subject of Appeal
A/17/3172020 (1801) Erection of detached dwelling, vacant land adjacent to Cambrian House and Cross Winds, Stormy Down, Bridgend (Appendix B)
(4) That the Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers to determine the above Appeal has directed that it be DISMISSED.
Code No. Subject of Appeal
A/173168010 (1798) Construction of bungalow, land between 16 & 17 High Street, Ogmore Vale
(5) That the Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers to determine the above Appeal has directed that it be ALLOWED subject to Conditions (Appendix C)
Code No. Subject of Appeal
A/17/3171557 (1804) Change of use of ground floor dwelling to Newsagents/Off-Licence, 129 Caerau Road, Caerau, Maesteg
(6) That the Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers to determine the above Appeal has directed that it be DISMISSED. (Appendix D)
Code No. Subject of Appeal
D/16/3177172 (1804) New single storey side/rear extension and retention of First Floor rear extension, 1 Princess Street, Maesteg.
(7) That the Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers to determine the above Appeal has directed that it be ALLOWED, subject to Conditions (Appendix E)
Code No. Subject of Appeal
C/16/3159263 (1785) Unauthorised log cabin, Land at Oaklands Livery Yard, Rhiwceiliog, Pencoed
(8) That it be noted that the above Appeal has been held in abeyance whilst a planning application was determined. It was further noted that this Appeal has now been WITHDRAWN by the Appellant. |
Changes to Committee Timings PDF 11 KB Minutes: The Development and Building Control Manager presented a report, which updated Members on the new timings for future Committee meetings and certain other ancillary related ancillary processes. The new timings to come into effect in time for the 28 September 2017 Committee.
The report advised that the above had come about under relevant legislation, and would mean that the Committee in future would meet on 10.00am on a Thursday (6 weekly) as opposed to a previous commencement time of 2.00pm. This change would have a knock-on effect in that it would necessitate change to other processes and procedures in place relating to the meeting, and these were detailed in paragraph(s) 4 of the report.
In terms of the next steps to be taken, the Development and Building Control Manager confirmed that the above new protocols would come into effect in time for the meeting of the Development Control Committee in September, and would be monitored for a period of time to ensure operation consistency and effectiveness.
RESOLVED: That Members of the Committee noted the report. |
Minutes: The Development and Building Control Manager presented a report, the purpose of which, was to inform Members of the Development Control Committee of the outcome of a recent ‘Audit’ of the provision of Outdoor Sport and Children’s Playing Space within the County Borough.
The report outlined some background information, and advised that under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Local Planning Authorities (LPA’s) were required to prepare Local Development Plans, with Section 61 of the Act also requiring LPA’s to keep under review all matters that are expected to affect development of its area, in order that policies and proposals are founded on a thorough understanding of the area’s needs, opportunities and constraints. This duty required Authorities to maintain and continually develop an op-to-date information base concerning economic, environmental and social characteristics of their areas.
The Development and Building Control Manager advised that as part of this statutory duty, the LPA has updated previous audits of Outdoor Sport and Children’s Playing Space and these were undertaken in 2009. A latest updated audit of the above carried out in 2017 was attached at Appendix 1 to the report, and this together with the remainder of the covering report, gave a resume of the findings of the latest audit.
The report concluded by outlining reasons for the purpose of the audit.
RESOLVED: That the content of the report and the 2017 Audit of Outdoor Sport and Children’s Playing Space attached at Appendix 1, be noted. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the forthcoming training sessions for Members included as part of the Development Control Committee Training Log and identified in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities, be noted. |
Urgent Items To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency Minutes: None. |