Agenda and minutes

Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee (B) - Friday, 10th July, 2015 10:00

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence (to include reasons, where appropriate) from





Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.




Licensing Act 2003: Section 51 Application for Review of Premises Licence The Bay, 33 The Esplanade, Porthcawl pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


The Licensing and Registration Officer reported on an application submitted by the Chief Officer of Police for a review of the premises licence of The Bay, 33 The Esplanade, Porthcawl.  She stated that the Premises Licence Holder is Mr Jeffrey Jenkins and the premises authorises the supply of alcohol between 1030 and 0000 hours Sunday to Wednesday, 1030 and 0100 hours Thursday to Saturday and New Year’s Eve terminal hour 0130 hours New Year’s Day.  Live music (indoors only) between 2000 and 2300 hours Thursday to Saturday, 1300 to 1500 hours and 1930 to 2200 hours on Sundays, New Year’s Eve and Bank Holiday Sundays terminal hour 0100 hours.  Recorded music (indoors only) between 0900 and 0030 hours Monday to Wednesday, 0900 and 0130 hours Thursday to Saturday, 1000 and 0030 hours on Sundays, New Year’s Eve 0130 terminal hour and Bank Holiday Sundays to 0030 terminal hour.  Seasonal variation for recorded music, to commence at 0900 hours from Easter Sunday until the end of September with no change to the terminal hour.


The application had been advertised in accordance with the regulations; there had been no representations received or additional documents for the Sub-Committee’s consideration.  The Licensing and Registration Officer informed the Sub-Committee that discussions had taken place between the South Wales Police and the Premises Licence Holder. 


PC Rowlatt informed the Sub-Committee that there had been extensive negotiations between South Wales Police and the Premises Licence Holder resulting in a list of remedies which had been agreed as acceptable conditions to address the issues raised by the review document for the Sub-Committee’s consideration.  In relation to Condition 1, to restrict the supply of alcohol from Thursday to Saturday 1030 to 0030 hours.  In relation to Condition 2, recorded music (Indoor only) from Thursday to Saturday 0900 to 0100 hours and in relation to Condition 3, the opening hours of the premises Thursday to Saturday from 0900 to 0100 hours.      


PC Rowlatt also informed the Sub-Committee that in relation to the prevention of crime and disorder, it was proposed to delete Conditions 1, 2 and 3 and Condition 4 will remain.  Condition 5 will be amended so that CCTV will be installed and fully functioning by 1 August 2015.  Condition 6 will remain.  Condition 7 will be amended to state “All staff will be trained in the requirements of Challenge 25 policy and records kept and updated”.  Condition 8 will be amended to state “Challenge 25 posters will be displayed in prominent positions around the bar and entrance area”.  Condition 9 will be amended to state “There will be no consumption of fluids in the external decked area after 0000 hours which will be used as a designated smoking area”. 


PC Rowlatt informed the Sub-Committee that the Premises Licence Holder had volunteered the following additional conditions:


10. All door staff shall be SIA trained and hold a suitable accredited qualification and badge will be displayed in a suitably approved holder. 


11. The number of door supervisors employed shall be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.