Meeting attendance

Thursday, 8th December, 2022 10:00, Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2

Venue:   Hybrid in the Council Chamber - Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB

Contact:    Democratic Services

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Cynghorydd Sean Aspey Committee Member Absent
Lucy Beard Officer In attendance
Councillor Freya Bletsoe Chairperson Present
Cynghorydd Jon-Paul Blundell Invitee In attendance
Councillor Eugene Caparros Committee Member Present
Cynghorydd Huw David Invitee In attendance
Cynghorydd Paul Davies Committee Member Present
Jackie Davies Invitee In attendance
Councillor Paula Ford Committee Member Present
Cynghorydd Jane Gebbie Invitee Apologies
Raeanna Grainger Officer In attendance
Lindsay Harvey Officer Apologies
Councillor Della Hughes Committee Member Present
Rachel Keepins Officer In attendance
Councillor Maxine Lewis Committee Member Present
Councillor Johanna Llewellyn-Hopkins Committee Member Absent
Carys Lord Officer In attendance
Claire Marchant Officer In attendance
Jessica Mclellan Officer In attendance
Cynghorydd Ross Penhale-Thomas Committee Member Present
Cynghorydd John Spanswick Invitee In attendance
Councillor Alan Wathan Committee Member Present
Cynghorydd Amanda Williams Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Williams Committee Member Present